Ahhh, finally the cat is out of the bag and we can start talking about it!! You know the elephant that is in the room. That nasty word "deployment." That's right I said it and I'm not afraid. It has been a month full of craziness as dear husband has tried to catch up with his unit overseas. We have had departure date after date after date and finally when all seems like a go we are delayed another 12 hours...sigh. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE having him home, but this back and forth and other craziness has mentally worn us both down, not to mention that we are both emotionally exhausted. He just wants to get there and get started, and I just want to get this show on the road so that he can come home.
When I started this blog I promised my Rochester family that I would give them an insight into how different our life was going to be once we moved back into the "fleet," as they like to say around here. Exactly what does pre-deployment entail you ask. It is full of answering the "what if questions." The ones no one wants to answer, but you know you have too. It's full of planning for "What could happen," along with tons of paperwork (Power of Attorney, wills, money issues, insurance). It also seems to be the "What needs to get done before I go" time. The house repairs, the car issues and any other "manly" tasks. Not that I can't do all these things, or at least hire someone to do them, but it just seems to be the pattern that life takes us each weekend. Usually, a family has seven months to get this all done, we have had six weeks. Needless to say it's been rushed and there is a lot of stuff that will wait until next time or I will hire someone to do, but I like that it's been fast. It gives you less time to think!
Since he is meeting a unit that is in country already, he should also be coming home with them in February/March making this a five month deployment instead of the usual 7 months. That is nice, and we are very thankful. He is going to a very remote area overseas so communication will be very spotty, however we will look forward to emails, snail mail and Skype calls all the more.
So what are the kids and I going to be doing while he is gone you ask?? Well, J is in preschool two days a week and takes gymnastics one morning a week. I am involved in a Bible study every other week (with childcare) and running with a group 2 days a week. I am currently training for a half marathon in the Spring and running as many 5k and 10k races as possible to fill the weekends. I also do a little shopping spree a couple of days before he leaves. That way I am guaranteed "gifts" during that first week. Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!
I have some great friends to keep me busy and I know several whose husbands are also on the same deployment schedule as mine. I also plan to take a long road trip so look for me to show up on your doorstep needing a place to stay!! We love visitors, so feel free to book a stay at the Harlow Hotel in the near future. The weather is nice, and while it might be too cold for ocean swimming we do boast some of the best shark teeth beaches in the region!
I have been asked so many times "how do you do it?" To which I answer, "You just do." It is lonely. I do cry. I get frustrated and some days are harder than others. These emotions are all okay. This is our first deployment with kids and I think it's harder for him than it is for me. When I have bad days at least I have someone in my face who loves me with all they have and gives hugs and kisses freely.
We'll be okay, we are strong and the months will fly by......or, at least that is what I am telling myself!
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