Most Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens and happy kids!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Adventures in the First Day of School Year 2015-2016

Today is our first day of school.  We are ready.  More then ready.  After a year of schooling on the go, we finally have a space just to "do school."  Ahhhhhhh, my OCD, must have a schedule, need to be organized self along with my extreme desire to find what we need when we need it, is finally starting to heal. :)

The room is my favorite place in the house right now.  It's comfy and cozy with several working stations and a white board and calendar where hopefully my visual learners will start to understand how time (days, weeks, months, years) flows.  

We have already spent several hours in here this weekend.  Even Cha Cha joined us for a while! 

Today marks a big day for us as the big kids (did I really call them big kids!!) start their journey into first grade and kindergarten!  Two grades that lay a foundation of skills that will help them to become life long learners.  We have big plans for this year.  Most of them have to do with not killing each other and learning how to like our siblings most of the time.  Not like I am putting any pressure on us or anything ;)  

We are ready for this new school year!  Ready for new challenges!  Ready for new experiences!  Ready for new failures!  Do I sound a little like I am giving myself a pep talk?  If so, you are totally right and you might want to check in on us around noon.....

But first, in this quiet time before it all starts, I am going to relish my cup of coffee and time in the Word.  The chaos will begin soon enough!


  1. You can do it! My big kids are at each other constantly these days too. What does Edwin do during school? Clara would be tearing that room apart!

  2. Edwin would totally tear this apart if left to his own devices! :) We usually start the day all together doing the calendar and songs and then the big kids do handwriting while Edwin does puzzles or some other manipulative activity while sitting in a high chair. We then do the rest of our school day while he is napping in the afternoon.
