We just finished round one of cooking for tomorrow. By "we" I mean both kids and I, which I can tell you is a feat in and of itself! I had the 5 year old on the fruit salad, because he can use the can opener and the 3 year old on the cranberry sauce because she can "constantly stir" the pot on the stove when I am standing next to her. We also peeled and made stage one of the crock pot mashed potatoes and did biscuits and cornbread for the dressing. Then I put all that stuff in the dishwasher and we will do round two this afternoon. I start at least a day ahead so that I can enjoy fixing the food and not get frustrated with my helpers when it takes 2 or 3 times as long to make something. I like that they want to contribute and I know that all too soon they will not be interested in helping.
I now sit here watching them dance to the music playing in the background and reflecting on what the term thanksgiving means. Webster defines thanksgiving as "a prayer offering thanks to God." I STRIVE to always be thankful. I'm not always successful, but it is something I work towards every day. I think being thankful every day helps me to have better days. Not "happy go lucky, rainbows and unicorns" type days, I mean real "I'm struggling, but I'm thankful for …." type days.
I'm glad there is a day called Thanksgiving. A day (or I like to say season because I really don't think celebrating on the fourth Thursday of the month of November is all that important), where everyone across the United States (and other countries have their own days of Thanksgiving that are at different times) regardless of religion or creed are thankful. We living in a time where consumerism is at an all time high and it important to stop and reflect even for just a few moments on being thankful.
This year we are striving to teach our littles the importance of being thankful. It's been a goal for the entire year. Teaching them through actions and letting them know that every day is a blessing, even the days we wish were over! We talk about thankfulness often, but I think, no I know, that they respond much better when watching our example of thankfulness. And that my friends is truly the key, right…realizing and understanding that we as adults are the ones they will watch and take cues from. If they see us, thanking God, thanking one another, and being outwardly thankful for everyday things then they too will hopefully grow up with an attitude of gratitude rather then an attitude of entitledness!
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