Most Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens and happy kids!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Adventures in today

I want to remember today.  Not for the uncertainty, or the craziness, or even for my own frustrations.  I want to remember today because if it ever looks like it is going to happen again, I need to remember. 

I need to remember the look on the faces of those who know today is the last day they are going to work, until it is over.  I need to remember the hearts of the friends whose lives are turned upside down because they spent the last 2 months recovering from being furloughed for several days this summer and now, without notice they are furloughed again.  I need to remember the disappointment of my daughter when I told her dance was cancelled.  Classes we paid for, from a teacher who is not a DOD employee, but the classes take place in a government building that is now closed.  I need to remember the uncertainty from families who are expecting loved ones to return home this week, but now the "middle man," the one they go to for information is no longer working in his office.  These are just a handful of situations I want to remember.

I want to remember, because 17 years ago the people who are now in charge, the ones who made the decisions and got us to this point, they were my age when it happened the last time and they seem to have forgotten.  They don't remember.  They have no idea.  I need to remember.  I will remember.  Forgetting is unacceptable.

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