Most Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens and happy kids!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Adventures in the Coupon Binder

One of my fantastic friends spent last week with her family amidst our chaos.  We had a blast and also found time to organize and set up our coupon binders.  There are so many ways to do this, but I am going to share with you how I do it.  I have tried several ways and for me this is how I am most successful!

Here’s what you’ll need for the perfect coupon binder:

  • A large three-ring binder. When I just re-did my binder I used a Trapper Keeper (yes, a throw back to my middle school years) that I got on clearance from Target when school supplies went on super sale!!
  • 100 baseball card sleeves or photo sleeves. (I prefer baseball card sleeves because you can fit more coupons in a baseball card sleeve, as it has 9 slots instead of 4.) (100 may seem like a lot, but you want to have plenty on-hand and not run out and sit there with a pile of coupons around your knees, unable to move forward because you have used all your sleeves).  I ordered mine from Amazon. 
  • I like to use write on tabs for my categories, but I know many who use these and LOVE it so I included her site. Go to the Krazy Coupon Lady and download and print the coupon categories. Slide each category title page into its own page protector and add them to your binder in order (even though you may think you won’t use all these categories, go ahead and print them out now. You can always remove coupon categories later.)  .
  • Add about three photo or baseball card sleeves to each section in your book.
  • Sort your coupons into the coupon categories as listed and slip them into the sections of your binder.
That’s it! Now, when you are ready to shop, you can easily flip to the appropriate section of your binder and pull the coupons you need.

Other tips:
-Don’t slip coupons behind other coupons, unless they are EXACTLY the same.
-Put your name and phone number in your binder in an easy-to-find place. You may even want to include the information that you will offer a reward for your coupon binder’s safe return. Your coupons are like cash! Keep track of it, and make it easy for a good Samaritan to return it to you if you should misplace it.

-When I go into a store I have my list and the coupons for that visit in an envelope.  I also always take my binder in with me in case I come across clearance items and I know I have a coupon for it.  This is especially helpful at Target and Babies R Us!!

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