Most Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens and happy kids!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Adventures on a rest weekend!

It's funny to me how my days truly blend together.  I really have absolutely no idea most days what day it actually is and forget knowing the actual date!!  With the husband deployed everyday really just becomes one BIG LONG DAY!  I have filled our weeks and days with so much to do, so that the time flies by.  And apparently it is working, since I normally look at the calender and say, "oh no, that's today.  I totally forgot," in reference to school picture day, school field trip, friends coming to visit, races, you name it!  I love it though, and my kids need to go somewhere every day or they too go a little stir crazy.  However, I can say on a morning like this one when all we had to do was go for a run.  I really enjoy the break!  I enjoy sitting on the front porch while the kids continue napping in the stroller as I peruse the "sale" emails and have a cup of coffee!

It's important to have these days both for rest and for sanity.  As much as I need to keep going and keep going fast, one can only go on fumes for so long before they break.  This afternoon we are having pictures taken.  How can you save money on family pictures you may ask???  First, if you are into "studio" type pictures you will find all kinds of coupons for JC Penny's, Sears and Target.  I highly recommend searching for these coupons before setting up a sitting, otherwise you will pay A LOT for pictures.  Another route to go is to look on Craigslist or a similar site for those who are advertising photography.  Often times you will find someone just starting out who needs clients to create a portfolio of work and you may be able to get some great pictures for great prices.  Before you spend any money I do recommend asking to see the photographer's previous work and maybe even references.  The last thing you want is to spend money on someone who "claims" to be a photographer only to find out they are horrible and you have wasted money.  The last route and the one I take most often is to make friends with fantastic photographers both professional and non-professional who love to take pictures of your children!! 

The most important thing about pictures is to not put off getting them developed and this is what I am guilty of a lot!!  I still haven't gotten the pictures from J's second birthday and he will be 3 next month.  There are deals all over the place, all the time from canvas photos to photo books to large prints.  Companies like Snapfish and Shutterfly are always offering some sort of photo deal.   The key is whether or not you have pictures done professionally, you need to keep up with getting the prints off your camera.  The easiest and most fun way to decorate your house is with family pictures.

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